Monday, March 28, 2011

Ethics and Shaping Ethical Behavior of a Person

The world ethics is becoming popular all over the world. Because most of the people are becoming UN ethics. We should behave ethically.
Ethics is personal beliefs about whether a behavior, action or decision is right or wrong.
Ethics may be defined as “the discipline dealing with what is good and bad with moral duty and obligation”.
It is the study of moral obligation involving the distinction between right and wrong.
People have ethics, organizations do not.
Ethical behaviors may differ from person to person.

Ethical behavior refers behavior that conforms to generally accept social norms. 

According to Expert there are many factors the shape is called ethics.
Experts (Rose, 1990; Carroll, 1987) identified many factors that constitute and shape individual ethics.  According to them, a combination of such actors as
family influences,
peer influences,
life experiences,
personal values and morals,
religious instructions, and
Situational factors determine individual ethics.
Both positive and negative kinds of events shape an individual’s ethics
A person’s values and morals also contribute to his ethical standards.
Values are abstract ideals that shape an individual’s thinking and behavior (Rokeach, 1968).
Behavioral scientists have identified two basic types of values: instrumental values and terminal value.
An instrumental value is an enduring belief that a certain way of behaving is appropriate in all situations. For example, “ honesty is the best policy” represent an instrumental value. A person who truly values honesty will probably behave in an honest manner.
A terminal value is an enduring belief that a certain end-state of existence is worth striving for and attaining.   Whereas one person may strive for eternal salvation, another may strive for social recognition and admiration. Instrumental values help achieve terminal values.

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